Gary Busey Winners do what losers don’t want to do. – Gary Busey Losers Quotes Winners Quotes If you take shortcuts, you get cut short. I’ll tell you this: You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don’t, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that’s nowhere land.
Matisyahu I felt a real strong connection and still do with Hanukkah. So it started out by doing concerts on Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights tour, and then, yeah, let’s make some Hanukkah songs. Let me make a Hanukkah song that kids can listen to, party to and get the spirituality of it, because it is not just about dreidels and having fun. – Matisyahu
Richard Gough I played as a 17-year-old with Walter Smith, who must have been about 32. So I’ve known Walter for 21 years. – Richard Gough
Jeremy Kyle I sort of felt like the runt of the litter. My brother was just great. If you gave him a cricket bat he’d score 100. If he walked into a party he’d pull the best-looking girl. He was my hero. – Jeremy Kyle
David Letterman USA Today has come out with a new survey – apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population. – David Letterman
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