Gautam Rode In my childhood, I used to usually visit Christmas fairs in our area and at school with my friends and I really miss those days. – Gautam Rode Childhood Quotes Christmas Quotes Days Quotes Fairs Quotes Friends Quotes School Quotes Visit Quotes I don’t take pressure or keep expectations because then it becomes difficult to concentrate. My message to my admirers is please take part in initiatives where you can do something for those actually in need and Christmas is a really beautiful opportunity to do so.
Lucas Neff I’m a big John Steinbeck fan. Cormac McCarthy. I’ve always loved the stories of regular people. Mark Twain, too. When you look back at some of the epic writers of our country’s history, very rarely do you find upper-class royalty. We seem to delve into the struggle of life and the labor of life much more frequently. – Lucas Neff
George Lopez It’s a great day in America when white people, black people and Latinos can all come together and pick on another minority. – George Lopez
Paul Rudd I am so appreciative I have been able to continue not only doing something I love, but working on movies I’ve loved. – Paul Rudd
Ana Ivanovic Being from Serbia makes us tough and eager to prove that we can come from this country that has been through so much and still be successful. – Ana Ivanovic
Pete Dunne I’ve been vegan about, I think it’s like three or four years now. So when I first went vegan, I remember saying it’s a lot better and feeling like it. I’ve been vegan for so long, though, that I can’t really remember how much of a difference it would make. – Pete Dunne
Amy Acker Genre stuff is the most exciting stuff for an actor to play. I get to try new things, do things I would have never got the chance to do. – Amy Acker
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