Gayle Lynds Ignorance is bliss, or so we’re told. Personally, I find ignorance is also destiny. – Gayle Lynds Bliss Quotes Destiny Quotes Ignorance Quotes Personally Quotes Told Quotes For a decade, I was a stay-at-home mom. I sent my husband to his law office, sat on PTA boards and baked cookies – great cookies. All of a sudden, I had no husband, no job, few prospects, and two small children who had grown accustomed to eating. You don’t want to become guilty of plagiarism by letting someone else’s words get inadvertently mixed in with your own. If you do feel the need to paste in a block of research while you’re writing, be sure to highlight the copied text in a different color so you can go back and remove or rewrite it entirely later.
Shannon Purser I didn’t even have a career before ‘Stranger Things’ – it was my first acting job, my first time on a professional set, and my character wasn’t even supposed to be a big deal – it all just exploded. – Shannon Purser
Haskell Wexler There’s a scene in ‘Medium Cool’ in which a young man walks by with a sign that says, ‘Sanity, please.’ If anything summarizes what I was feeling at that time, it is that sign. – Haskell Wexler
CourageSigourney Weaver Being tall has a major impact in general. It takes some courage to be as big as you are – to live up to it and not be intimidated by the graceful tiny people. – Sigourney Weaver
Andrew J Bernstein Remember that stress doesn’t come from what’s going on in your life. It comes from your thoughts about what’s going on in your life. – Andrew J Bernstein
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