Gayle King I wish there was something where you could blink an eye and be somewhere. I’m a very nervous flier. I wish we could get from point A to point B instantly. – Gayle King Blink Quotes Eye Quotes Flier Quotes Instantly Quotes Nervous Quotes I changed my name from Gail to Gayle in seventh grade because I liked to make a loopy ‘y.’ People respond faster to you on a text than an e-mail. Why is that? Why will they ignore an e-mail, but get back to a text?
Niger Innis For black Americans, we know that gun control… sprouts from racist soil – be it after the or during the infamous Dred Scott case where black man’s humanity was not recognized. – Niger Innis
PatienceRyan White We had great faith that with patience, understanding, and education, that my family and I could be helpful in changing their minds and attitudes around. – Ryan White
George Carlin I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a guy nailed to two pieces of wood. – George Carlin
Andrea Seigel I can be like that: forgetting how hard it was to do something after I’m past it. – Andrea Seigel
Emily Rose I was a huge ‘Deadwood’ fan because I’m a huge David Milch fan, so I’ve always wanted to play something like Calamity Jane on ‘Deadwood’ and just be the biggest Western tomboy girl, ever. – Emily Rose
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