Gene Tierney The Hollywood structure was monopolistic, run by four or five big studios. – Gene Tierney Hollywood Quotes Monopolistic Quotes Structure Quotes Studios Quotes Rehearsals and screening rooms are often unreliable because they can’t provide the chemistry between an audience and what appears on the stage or screen. The main cause of my difficulties stemmed from the tragedy of my daughter’s unsound birth and my inability to face my feelings.
Cael Sanderson I get beat up a lot. Pretty badly, too. I’m just not much of a practice wrestler. – Cael Sanderson
Aldis Hodge My approach is always the same. I try to be as honest as possible. Find the real honesty and humanity in the character because even a fictional character is supposed to feel real. And my job is to find that reality and bring it to the screen. – Aldis Hodge
Diana Gabaldon All of my books have an internal geometric shape, and once I’ve seen the shape, then the writing gets much faster and easier because I now do know where we’re going, and I know what’s motivating these people, why they were here, and therefore, I have some good idea how they got there, and so I can fill in the missing chunks somewhat more easily. – Diana Gabaldon
Aaron Judge When I’m lifting heavy, doing squats, and doing upper-body workouts, it’s mostly about core and stability. But I’ll still do deadlifts. I also do tire workouts with these big 600-pound tires, flipping them and stuff like that. – Aaron Judge
Sirio Maccioni It didn’t get any more glamorous than Havana, Cuba, in the 1950s. I used to go there when I was a waiter on a cruise ship. – Sirio Maccioni
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