George Stephenson The principles upon which a safety lamp might be constructed I stated to several persons long before Sir Humphrey Davy came into this part of the country. – George Stephenson Constructed Quotes Country Quotes Davy Quotes Humphrey Quotes Lamp Quotes Persons Quotes Principles Quotes Safety Quotes Sir Quotes Stated Quotes I am glad to learn that the Parliament Bill has been passed for the Darlington Railway.
Francis Ford CoppolaMovies I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians. – Francis Ford Coppola
Andrew Cherng We opened Panda Inn on June 8, 1973. The whole family – my parents, a brother and sister – all worked at the restaurant for free. We lived in a two-bedroom apartment in San Gabriel and didn’t have any money. – Andrew Cherng
Holly Branson Our community system is completely broken down, and you need to build that back up again and make people feel that they can make a change in life and not just sit around playing video games or on their iPhones – that they can get out there and make a difference. – Holly Branson
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