George Vecsey Television is making sports universal; for the same reason, big-time soccer is growing more popular in the United States. – George Vecsey Bigtime Quotes Growing Quotes Popular Quotes Reason Quotes Soccer Quotes Sports Quotes Television Quotes United Quotes Universal Quotes Why is the N.F.L. so popular? The N.F.L. grew in the comfort zone after World War II. People had money and time. A popular American sport got bigger. This occasional sports columnist, who has been to his share of Super Bowls, had been glad to be home on Super Bowl Sunday, but the scary commercials made me want to be in the melee of the arena, where you are not aware of commercials.
Paulo Coelho We have to stop and be humble enough to understand that there is something called mystery. – Paulo Coelho
Erin Cummings All four of my grandparents were educators, my mom was a school nurse, and I went through the public school system. – Erin Cummings
Malcolm Nance To help students steel themselves for captivity, SERE used a variety of ‘stress and duress’ techniques. The military’s encyclopedic knowledge of these techniques was paid for in American blood because it was gleaned from former POWs tortured by totalitarian regimes. One technique, waterboarding, was a historically well-known torture. – Malcolm Nance
Jessica Mendoza When we are down in Mexico, I remember with my mom’s help we caught a barracuda and then we ate it that night. And that, to me, was so cool, to be able to filet it, see the whole process. Especially a fish that big. – Jessica Mendoza
Arjun Janya Everybody has their limitations and hence, we need to look for a range of voices more than the quality of singing in our local talent. – Arjun Janya
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