Ginny Brown-Waite I have the highest number of Social Security recipients of any Member of Congress, and it is always good to hear about how women in their districts are affected by any changes, by the need for changes in Social Security. – Ginny Brown-Waite Congress Quotes Districts Quotes Hear Quotes Recipients Quotes Security Quotes Social Quotes Women Quotes Under the current pay-as-you-go Social Security system, not one person is actually guaranteed benefits. Social Security is a plan that actually was designed in a much different time, in a different era, and with a different set of American demographics in mind.
Leonardo Bonucci The national team should unite under one flag, leaving out the club stories. – Leonardo Bonucci
Rex Ryan I think when you take a job, you assume you can win regardless of what they have or don’t have. – Rex Ryan
Ian Hislop I’ve got a very peculiar sort of fame, based on being on the telly. It doesn’t mean you have the lifestyle people expect. – Ian Hislop
Martellus Bennett A lot of players act one way with teammates, one way with reporters, another way for fans, another for their friends. I’m just me all the time. I’m normal. Everyone else in the NFL is weird. – Martellus Bennett
John Philip Sousa From childhood I was passionately fond of music and wanted to be a musician. I have no recollection of any real desire ever to be anything else. – John Philip Sousa
Alice PaulEquality I never doubted that equal rights was the right direction. Most reforms, most problems are complicated. But to me there is nothing complicated about ordinary equality. – Alice Paul
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