Glen Hansard There are people who can sit down and write a song about any given subject, and they can do it really, really well. – Glen Hansard People Quotes Sit Quotes Song Quotes Subject Quotes Write Quotes What happens to us all, I think, when we pick up a pen, is that we just become snobs. If you don’t mark your successes, the day your ship comes in could be just another day at the office, and there’s no poetry in that.
Jed Mercurio I love to do things that kind of mess with the movie formula that you can always find the right place to park; you’ve always got a phone signal. And I think audiences really respond to the limitations of real life when they intrude on drama. – Jed Mercurio
Pierce Brown Every high school I went to, I joined in the middle of the year, so sports helped. But you see a lot of bullies when you move to eight states, I’ll say that. – Pierce Brown
Elizabeth Flock Showy displays of love don’t come naturally to everyone. They don’t come naturally to me. They also come with a risk: a risk of rejection, being made to feel silly, or making yourself into a spectacle. – Elizabeth Flock
Paul Samuelson Self-deception ultimately explains Japan’s plight. The Japanese have never accepted that change is in their interest – and not merely a response to U.S. criticism. – Paul Samuelson
Randy Moss The New England Patriots have always been a special organization and I’ve always watched from afar. – Randy Moss
Helen Garner It’s much more interesting for me to think that taking a chunk of experience and mushing it up together with other things that are inventible, remembered from some other time or stolen from other people’s stories… and see if I can make it into something that works, an object, a little machine that runs. – Helen Garner
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