Glenn Close I’ve been sacrificing my life for my work for 30 years, and now I want it the other way around. I want to find work that fits into my life and that would be based here. – Glenn Close Based Quotes Fits Quotes Life Quotes Sacrificing Quotes I’m an actor, that’s my contribution. Ismail Merchant was just the most seductive, passionate, outrageous, driven, genius of a man.
Loretta Lynch He could have made a difference. He could have brought real jobs and development to hard working communities that need and deserve those resources. Instead, William Boyland, Jr. worked to glorify one person, and that was himself. – Loretta Lynch
ChristmasMin Jin LeeWar My father was born on Christmas Day in 1934. He grew up in what is now part of North Korea. When the Korean War began, my father was 16, and he found passage on an American refugee ship,thinking he’d be gone for just a few days, but he never saw his mother or his sister again. – Min Jin Lee
Glenn Youngkin We engaged stakeholders on important issues in community safety and provided a commonsense path forward on facial recognition technology for law enforcement without compromising individual freedoms. – Glenn Youngkin
Rege-Jean Page The reason you think history is white is because you’ve been lied to. – Rege-Jean Page
Hugo Lloris Throughout the whole team, you have important players, but the main thing is the collective. It is the only way to get trophies. – Hugo Lloris
LearningLori Wilde Each year, I pick something new to learn. One year, it was learning how to knit, and I got ‘The Sweethearts’ Knitting Club’ out of the experience. Another year, it was to volunteer at the local domestic abuse shelter, and I ended up volunteering there for three years. – Lori Wilde
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