Glenn Kelman Every firing happens differently except in this one respect: the person being fired can’t believe how fast it happens. – Glenn Kelman Fast Quotes Fired Quotes Firing Quotes Person Quotes Respect Quotes Most CEOs walk around the office like we own the place, without realizing that the place itself isn’t worth owning: a business’s value comes from the people who walk out the door every night, who have to decide each morning whether to walk back in. One of the simplest things you can do as a leader is honor their choice and appreciate their work. When I was 28, running products for a company I’d co-founded, the CEO called to say that I had a problem with the board, that I probably couldn’t overcome it, that I’d have to leave the company.
Dave McClure I’m better than probably 90 percent of the people out there. Doesn’t mean I’m smart; probably means I’m lucky. – Dave McClure
Paul Heyman Like any compelling show on television, what works best in WWE is relationships. What’s the relationship between these two people, and how does the conflict manifest itself into box office? – Paul Heyman
Hilton Als One of the things that’s great about writing for a magazine is that every week you get to be a different person. You’re writing different things all the time and not slogging along for years on something. – Hilton Als
DeathHopeThomas Ligotti Human life moves only in one direction – toward disease, damage, and death. The best you can hope for is to remain stagnant or, in certain cases, return to a previous condition when things weren’t as bad as they’ve become for you. – Thomas Ligotti
Florence Ellinwood Allen You have had indeed a fair trial. It is a shocking thing when a judge of your high office is shown to have betrayed the truth and his honor, and I sentence you to the penitentiary. – Florence Ellinwood Allen
FriendshipLee Hsien Loong The Chinese go around with lollipops in their pockets. They have aid. They have friendship deals. They build you a Prime Minister’s office or President’s office or Parliament House or Foreign Ministry. For them, trade is an extension of their foreign policy. – Lee Hsien Loong
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