Grey DeLisle I hardly ever watch my own work. I just end up picking myself apart! I can’t even stand to hear myself on voicemail. the sound of my own voice is like nails on a chalkboard. The same goes for my records. – Grey DeLisle Chalkboard Quotes Hear Quotes Nails Quotes Picking Quotes Records Quotes Sound Quotes Stand Quotes Voice Quotes Voicemail Quotes Watch Quotes Somehow, it seems that the sadder a song is, the happier I feel. The release of emotions that many would label as ‘negative’ is actually a liberating process for me. Many thanks for all of the love and good wishes sent our way from my friends out there in cartoon land… the only place where a nine month pregnant woman can still play a hot goth chick in a belly shirt!
Jeff Lindsay If you look at Victorian England, being a soldier was considered a noble profession. – Jeff Lindsay
Alessandro Michele You have to be open to dreaming. It’s a complicated language, but I’m obsessed with it. – Alessandro Michele
Shawn Michaels I wasn’t great at a lot of stuff, but I was good at not worrying about being a wrestler. – Shawn Michaels
Andrew Dominik Everybody is always trying to make the best movie they can. It’s a process. – Andrew Dominik
Ronen Bergman In 1982, Israel began an invasion across its northern border, seeking to root out elements of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The Israeli military wreaked destruction all the way up to Beirut and forced the P.L.O. out of Lebanon. It also defeated the Syrian Army and, particularly, the Air Force wherever it engaged them. – Ronen Bergman
Namie Amuro For the most part, I don’t care about what everyone else is doing, or what is popular. – Namie Amuro
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