Gro Harlem Brundtland Women’s health is one of WHO’s highest priorities. – Gro Harlem Brundtland Health Quotes Priorities Quotes Womens Quotes The burden of disease falls on the poor. With an annual investment of $66 billion by 2007, we can save 8 million lives each year.
Jay Ellis I’m insanely curious about life and everyone’s story and where they come from and how they got to be who they are. – Jay Ellis
Reid Scott I’ll always come back to comedy. Doing drama can feel satisfying, but day to day, it’s just not as fun as laughing. – Reid Scott
Milo Yiannopoulos Abortion is wrong. I think everyone knows that, which is why abortion activists are so angry all the time. It’s a bit like when you catch someone out in a lie, and they get really mad at you really quickly, and you can’t work out why until later. It’s guilt. – Milo Yiannopoulos
Harrison Barnes As we know, one of the dark sides of social media is online harassment. – Harrison Barnes
Harmony Korine My knock with filmmaking is the whole bureaucracy around it, so in some ways, staying outside of it is easier for me. – Harmony Korine
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