Guillermo Cabrera Infante You are just in the middle of a struggle with words which are really very stubborn things, with a blank page, with the damn thing that you use to write with, a pen or a typewriter, and you forget all about the reader when you are doing that. – Guillermo Cabrera Infante Blank Quotes Damn Quotes Forget Quotes Middle Quotes Pen Quotes Reader Quotes Struggle Quotes Stubborn Quotes Typewriter Quotes Write Quotes The relationship between reader and characters is very difficult. It is even more peculiar than the relationship between the writer and his characters. But I do not have the reader in mind when I write. No true writer does that.
Bill de Blasio There are families of every kind. I think a lot of people are struggling to make sense of their identity in a very complicated world. – Bill de Blasio
Rege-Jean Page The fight that needs to be won is over that false pride before you can discover the vulnerability that allows you to unlock all the good stuff that does actually make you attractive, hopefully. – Rege-Jean Page
Sergey Brin You do see more people that have been freed up over the last couple of hundred years to do work that is more about thinking about or creating things… and I would hope to see that trend continue. – Sergey Brin
ChristmasKaren Robards The year I turned 16, I spent the weeks before Christmas dropping hints to my parents about how much I wanted – no, needed – my own transportation. – Karen Robards
Len Goodman The thing with children is they’re a bit like baking a fruitcake: you throw all the ingredients in but you never know how they’re going to turn out. – Len Goodman
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