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Dave Foley NBC is working with a team of astrophysicists to create a new day of the week. – Dave Foley
Judith Jamison I’ve had a really charmed life, you know. Things always come to me – they just do. – Judith Jamison
Ernestine Rose But say some, would you expose woman to the contact of rough, rude, drinking, swearing, fighting men at the ballot box? What a humiliating confession lies in this plea for keeping woman in the background! – Ernestine Rose
Narciso Rodriguez You may grow very quickly the first two years and then watch the business decline, unless you really start selling product at any price range with various degrees of quality. – Narciso Rodriguez
Ariel GartenChance I want to help give people the ability to stop and take just a few minutes a day to regroup and refocus: to give them a chance to get perspective on the things that matter and the things that don’t. – Ariel Garten
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