Harry Enten The Super Bowl is a bunch of shows wrapped into one. It’s the only spectacle I know of where people watch just for the commercials. – Harry Enten Bowl Quotes Bunch Quotes Commercials Quotes People Quotes Spectacle Quotes Super Quotes Watch Quotes Wrapped Quotes There’s probably no major city more associated with left-wing politics than San Francisco. In an era of streaming and cable television, most programs capture only a small portion of America’s over 330 million-person population.
AngerMalcolm Jenkins If you know anything about the issues in our country, you know we have a lot of deep-rooted anger and anxieties that spark a lot of passion. When you talk about our national anthem or the flag or race relations or the criminal justice system, it brings up a lot of those fears and insecurities. – Malcolm Jenkins
Matt Blunt We stand in the shadow of Jefferson who believed that a society founded upon the rule of law and liberty was dependent upon public education and the diffusion of knowledge. – Matt Blunt
Abhijit BanerjeeEnvironmental It is undeniable that the looming environmental crisis is partly the consequence of population growth. – Abhijit Banerjee
Carl Friedrich Gauss I am coming more and more to the conviction that the necessity of our geometry cannot be demonstrated, at least neither by, nor for, the human intellect. – Carl Friedrich Gauss
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