Haruki Murakami If you want to talk about something new, you have to make up a new kind of language. – Haruki Murakami Language Quotes Talk Quotes Stories lie deep in our souls. Stories lie so deep at the bottom of our hearts that they can bring people together on the deepest level. When I write a novel, I go into such depths. Please think of me like an endangered species and just observe me quietly from far away. If you try to talk to me or touch me casually, I may get intimidated and bite you. So please be careful.
Bob Uecker Let’s face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can’t resist. – Bob Uecker
AmazingJohn Piper It’s amazing how many introverts go into the ministry. It’s amazing how many people go into the ministry who don’t really like to be with people. – John Piper
George Bentham I decided that my means were sufficient to enable me to devote myself to botany, a determination which I never, during the long period of my subsequent career, had on any occasion any reason to repent of. – George Bentham
Rick Perry I think Barack Obama is a socialist. I think he cares for his country – don’t get me wrong about that – but I think he truly misunderstands what this country was based upon, the values that America was based upon, which was free enterprise and having the ability to risk your capital and having a chance to have a return on your investment. – Rick Perry
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