Helen Dunmore It is a violation which has obsessed the tyrants of the twentieth century. They do not want simply to kill their opponents, but to liquidate them, to deny that they have ever existed. – Helen Dunmore Century Quotes Deny Quotes Existed Quotes Kill Quotes Liquidate Quotes Obsessed Quotes Opponents Quotes Simply Quotes Twentieth Quotes Tyrants Quotes Violation Quotes Writing children’s books gives a writer a very strong sense of narrative drive. I didn’t choose Russia but Russia chose me. I had been fascinated from an early age by the culture, the language, the literature and the history to the place.
Leo Sayer Marriage can feel like putting a burden on each other and sometimes kids go with that, too. – Leo Sayer
Rachel RoyWomen I always have one foot in the street, so I know not everyone wants to dress like the women they see in music videos. – Rachel Roy
Eamonn Walker Throughout my career, even as a very young actor, people have always said to me that they would like to see my Othello. They could see something of him in me, I suppose. – Eamonn Walker
DesignTyra Banks Designers are very fickle. I never wanted to be a victim of that. You’re in one minute, out the next. – Tyra Banks
Alexander GilkesBirthday My father discovered that our family had made long-case clocks in Warwickshire in the early 18th century. He managed to track down a fine example through an English antiquarian and horologist and gifted it to me for my 30th birthday. – Alexander Gilkes
Sutton Foster Amy Sherman-Palladino and Dan Palladino gave me such a gift with ‘Bunheads,’ and to give me this gift of going on ‘Gilmore Girls’ was beyond. It was awesome. – Sutton Foster
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