Henry Golding I’ve lived 16, 17 years of my life in Asia, and that’s most of my life. I was born in Asia – I’ve lived cultures that are synonymous with Asian culture – but it’s still not Asian enough for some people. – Henry Golding Asia Quotes Asian Quotes Born Quotes Culture Quotes Cultures Quotes Life Quotes Lived Quotes People Quotes Synonymous Quotes We’ve all been that young love, trying to impress the in-laws or having these crazy cousins that we’re related to by blood – we can’t choose them as sort of friends, but they’re there. I’m neither half white nor half Asian. I’m full both.
Earl WarrenSports I always turn to the sports pages first, which records people’s accomplishments. The front page has nothing but man’s failures. – Earl Warren
David Sheff But I sent letters to people in the music business. And one day I got a phone call from somebody and he asked me when I was born and where I was born. And, you know, three or four days later I got a call. Someone said, you know, Yoko Ono wanted to meet me in New York. I got on a plane. And the next day I was having coffee with John Lennon. – David Sheff
Criss Angel One of the most gratifying things I get as an artist is when people watch me do these different demonstrations, and they in some way feel empowered by what I’m doing so they can confront their own fears. Maybe it’s the fear of getting in an elevator; maybe it’s the fear of going on a plane and seeing the world. – Criss Angel
Cass Sunstein Employers, like most people, tend to trust their intuitions. But when employers decide whom to hire, they trust those intuitions far more than they should. – Cass Sunstein
John Bright A year ago I was in the city of Genoa, and I found that it returned seven representatives to the Sardinian Parliament at Turin, seven being its fair share, calculated according to the population of the various cities and districts of the Sardinian kingdom. – John Bright
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