Herbert Read There are a few people, but a diminishing number, who still believe that Marxism, as an economic system, off era a coherent alternative to capitalism, and socialism has, indeed, triumphed in one country. – Herbert Read Alternative Quotes Capitalism Quotes Coherent Quotes Country Quotes Diminishing Quotes Economic Quotes Era Quotes Marxism Quotes People Quotes Socialism Quotes Triumphed Quotes Man is everywhere still in chains. Nobody seriously believes in the social philosophies of the immediate past.
EducationJonathan SacksPolitics The world we build tomorrow is born in the stories we tell our children today. Politics moves the pieces. Education changes the game. – Jonathan Sacks
Bennett Cerf For me, a hearty ‘belly laugh’ is one of the beautiful sounds in the world. – Bennett Cerf
Dylan Alcott We have got to fully guarantee and fund the NDIS so we invest in people with disability so they can be the people they want to be and start paying taxes, not get pensions. – Dylan Alcott
David Costabile Every actor I know pretty much wants to be a rock n’ roll star, and we’d all give it up to be in a rock n’ roll band, but we’re never going to do that. But being in cartoons – that’s as close as you get without being an action figure. – David Costabile
John Landgraf I hope that most of us believe that we actually would all benefit from living in a more equitable society. If that’s not happening, we’re squandering human potential. – John Landgraf
Bubba Smith Well, everybody knew their character. I was the only one who didn’t have a partner. I basically showed up when people got in trouble. Where I came from, I don’t know. Nobody knows. But I would show up to help. – Bubba Smith
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