Hideo Kojima Games shouldn’t only be fun. They should teach or spark an interest in other things. – Hideo Kojima Fun Quotes Games Quotes Spark Quotes Teach Quotes I want to show people how there are variations and different interpretations of good and evil. Looking back, I am thankful that I didn’t go into the film industry.
Donny Osmond Sometimes when you have multimedia, people use it too much. It has to be a tool and not the end product, if you can use it as a tool. The same thing apples when you are recording. We had this problem in the 80’s, we got so computerized there was no heart and soul in the music anymore. – Donny Osmond
TeenTroian Bellisario I’m not a teen anymore, but growing up, some of my favorite things were, like, ‘Twin Peaks,’ which wasn’t even really my time, and this is one of the things, like a weird, quirky, small town mystery. – Troian Bellisario
Rajiv Menon When you are shooting over a period of six months, you tend to forget how dark or bright it was. And when you are using different technologies, having a look book helps during the final grading of the film. So you can design what the film is going to look like even before the colouring process begins. – Rajiv Menon
Jason Reitman All the airports kind of feel and look the same now. Some are more beautiful, some are less beautiful, but for the most part you’re going to find a Starbucks in every airport. You’re going to get your coffee and the ‘USA Today’ or ‘New York Times’ in every airport. – Jason Reitman
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