Hiro Murai I did a short film with Donald Glover for one of his Childish Gambino projects, and Flying Lotus was an actor in it. – Hiro Murai Actor Quotes Childish Quotes Donald Quotes Film Quotes Flying Quotes Gambino Quotes Glover Quotes Lotus Quotes Projects Quotes Short Quotes Some people draw a line between music videos and short films, looking down on music videos as a format, but there’s so much potential in music videos. Your understanding of culture can be very skewed sometimes, depending on what you’re taking in!
Rachel Kushner The Seventies seemed like this really open time. There were a lot of strong women characters deciding what kind of artists they wanted to be. – Rachel Kushner
Maria Konnikova Perhaps one day we’ll be able to identify and block not just scams but the scammers themselves – before they even target their first victim. – Maria Konnikova
Chiang Kai-shekWar War is not only a matter of equipment, artillery, group troops or air force; it is largely a matter of spirit, or morale. – Chiang Kai-shek
Mary Callahan Erdoes Clients are becoming more global; they’re realizing that markets are more interconnected. It’s no longer the local regional clients buying the local regional flavors. It’s everybody asking for everything. – Mary Callahan Erdoes
Jack Keane I have decorated soldiers for heroism before, and it was always such an honor to do it. – Jack Keane
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