Ion Tiriac Some players get over-dependable on their coaches. – Ion Tiriac Coaches Quotes Overdependable Quotes Players Quotes I eat leftover caviar by hand, with baked potato, like peasants.
Paul Tudor Jones Much of my adult life has been spent fighting for equal opportunity, and the idea that I would support limiting opportunity for any segment of society, particularly women, is antithetical to who I am and what I have done. – Paul Tudor Jones
Sharan Burrow Many women drop out of the work force altogether, which holds back our economy with a loss of skills and personnel. – Sharan Burrow
Saint Ignatius So with that will prompt and prepared to serve all those whom I perceive to be servants of my Lord, I will speak of three things with simplicity and love as if I were speaking to my own soul. – Saint Ignatius
Leslie Jamison One of the big ways in which I felt my own writing life shaped by recovery had to do with my relationship to other people’s stories. And one of the things I loved most about recovery was the way in which, in meetings and through fellowship, you are constantly kind of paying attention to lives outside of your own. – Leslie Jamison
K J Yesudas I didn’t learn music because I wanted to become famous or earn a lot of money. It was to follow my father’s advice and learn as much as I could about music. – K J Yesudas
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