Irene Dunne I’ll leave the swearing to the Jane Fondas. – Irene Dunne Fondas Quotes Jane Quotes Leave Quotes Swearing Quotes I always believed in my characters. I lived them. So being two different people in one day unnerved me to no end.
Park Chan-wook When it comes to remaking my own films in the English language, I can only imagine that it is a very boring process, I wouldn’t ever dream of it. – Park Chan-wook
Richard Jenkins If I’m playing a bad guy, and I’m playing him evilly – I’m making him evil; I’m being evil because I want the audience to understand that he’s bad – or if I have a line that’s funny, I do it in a comedic way, that, to me, is a lie. It’s dead when I watch it. – Richard Jenkins
Baiju Bhatt Our financial system, for as advanced a country that we are, could be so much better. – Baiju Bhatt
Lucy Dacus I really enjoy navigating the business aspect of having a band, and there is a great amount of instinct. You don’t wanna work with people who make you feel weird, even if they’re super qualified. – Lucy Dacus
Jose Feliciano My parents did not want us to lose our culture and our language. And that was a good thing. – Jose Feliciano
Margot Kidder I don’t buy into any of that hogwash. They put that out to sell tickets. It’s just a classic horror movie, with the Greek drama formula of good versus evil, and lots of fear. – Margot Kidder
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