Isaac Herzog Netanyahu is beholden to the extreme Right. – Isaac Herzog Beholden Quotes Extreme Quotes Netanyahu Quotes Security is an underlining interest of Israel. Israel needs to separate from Netanyahu in order to separate from the Palestinians.
BeautyEmily Mortimer My dad had this philosophy that if you tell children they’re beautiful and wonderful then they believe it, and they will be. So I never thought I was unattractive. But I was never one of the girls at school who had lots of boyfriends. – Emily Mortimer
James P Gorman I think Americans are very verbal and Aussies are more circumspect, and that can come across as being clearer. It can also come across as abrupt and cold. Some people find me to be abrupt and cold. That’s just my personal style. – James P Gorman
Ruben Dias There are loads of things involved with winning a Champions League. It is not an easy competition to win, but we are definitely trying our best to push and push every year. – Ruben Dias
Aparna Sen It is the responsibility of a director to introduce their politics in their films, and whether you like it or not your politics will be reflected unless you are an opportunist which some directors are. – Aparna Sen
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