Isabella Lovin Midwives not only save lives. They are also actors of social change. – Isabella Lovin Actors Quotes Change Quotes Lives Quotes Midwives Quotes Save Quotes Social Quotes It should be self-evident that women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. Yet throughout history, those in power – usually men – have tried to control women’s bodies. Every second minute, a woman or a girl dies in the world due to pregnancy.
Amit Shah Instead of minority and majority politics, if we try and give the same rights to all, it is not polarisation. This is the core value of our Constitution. – Amit Shah
Peter Hitchens As far as our rulers in Brussels are concerned, Her Majesty can stand for the European Parliament and vote in the elections for it. She doesn’t, but she could. – Peter Hitchens
Carl JungImagination All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination. – Carl Jung
Ayman Odeh According to Netanyahu, he should rule like a Caesar, and the Knesset should be run by the tyranny of the majority. – Ayman Odeh
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