Jacinda Ardern A lot of women in New Zealand feel like they have to make a choice between having babies and having a career or continuing their career. So is that a decision you feel you have to make or that you feel you’ve already made? – Jacinda Ardern Babies Quotes Career Quotes Choice Quotes Continuing Quotes Decision Quotes Feel Quotes Lot Quotes Women Quotes Zealand Quotes All of the things that people said that I would experience – that idea that you suddenly have this new person in your life that you could love so much and that time will go incredibly quickly, but that the nights will seem incredibly long – all of that has been true, but it has been wonderful. I am sure having a baby around a working environment changes the tone a little bit.
Junior dos Santos My coach used to tell me I’ve got pretty heavy hands, so I try to use them at the start of the fight because it’s a good time to use my power because I’m 100% in the moment. – Junior dos Santos
BeautyPaul HornRomantic I’m a romantic. The impressionists have always been my favorites. I like prettiness – beauty, or what I perceive as beauty. – Paul Horn
Phoebe Robinson I know the world is pretty intense, but in my opinion, there’s nothing more perilous than being a teenager and watching a raunchy comedy with your parents. – Phoebe Robinson
Clay Travis I think the marketplace has reflected that I’m pretty good at recognizing market opportunities and building companies. I have had a great deal of financial success because of it. – Clay Travis
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