Jaboukie Young-White Nothing screams ‘I’m desperate for attention’ like tweeting in all caps. – Jaboukie Young-White Attention Quotes Caps Quotes Desperate Quotes Screams Quotes Tweeting Quotes The news can by very cyclical. The same issues are coming up over and over and over again. I accomplished a lot in 2017 that I’d dreamt of: a late night set, TV writing gig, a speaking movie role.
Joe Flacco What you think you see and what you think a guy did wrong, maybe he did right. Or you see a touchdown pass, but the guy might’ve been wrong. Something crazy might have happened. You don’t know that. That’s the toughest thing when it comes to judging play on a football field. – Joe Flacco
Brian Mast I became a bomb technician because I wanted to save lives. I nearly gave my own life for that – I lost both my legs and a finger when a roadside bomb detonated beneath me – and have known more heroes than I can count who died defending others. – Brian Mast
Robert Urich I’ve cheated myself: there are other things I could have done to fill out the bouquet of my career. – Robert Urich
Doug Henning I have a policy of not saying anything negative about anything another magician does. – Doug Henning
Hunter S Thompson There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge. – Hunter S Thompson
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