James Acaster I got left for Mr. Bean. I found out a year after we split up. I opened the newspaper and there was a full-page story. No one else in the history of time has ever been left for Mr. Bean. – James Acaster Bean Quotes Fullpage Quotes History Quotes Left Quotes Newspaper Quotes Split Quotes Story Quotes Time Quotes I remember being four or five, not understanding how to be funny, so just going around the house and my mum and dad’s friends, confusing adults by saying weird things. There’s not many comedy characters that make me laugh as much as The Rock does; it’s nice to have a big muscly guy being funny and stupid.
John Battelle The largest issue with search is that we learned about it when the web was young, when the universe was ‘complete’ – the entire web was searchable! Now our digital lives are utterly fractured – in apps, in walled gardens like Facebook, across clunky interfaces like those in automobiles or Comcast cable boxes. – John Battelle
Jeff Green My game is what it is. I just have to improve on different things. Just show it out there on the court. – Jeff Green
Fred Couples I’m a lot older than I was when I was 30, which is kind of hard to believe. – Fred Couples
Jme We lived together until Skepta was 30-something. We’ve been together so long, it’s impossible for us to have any differences, no matter how long we’re apart. – Jme
Nathan Fillion My brother used to say that when you deal with women, it’s difficult to remove emotions from an argument. I never really knew what he meant. Then I read an article that said when it comes to emotion and logic, men’s and women’s brains are different – my brother was right! Women are very mysterious, but that’s part of their joy. – Nathan Fillion
Abhishek Bachchan You have to understand that you are not making the film for yourself; you’re making it for the audience. If I am asking my audiences to buy tickets, I owe them the worth of their money, and I owe them entertainment. – Abhishek Bachchan
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