James Acaster I got left for Mr. Bean. I found out a year after we split up. I opened the newspaper and there was a full-page story. No one else in the history of time has ever been left for Mr. Bean. – James Acaster Bean Quotes Fullpage Quotes History Quotes Left Quotes Newspaper Quotes Split Quotes Story Quotes Time Quotes I remember being four or five, not understanding how to be funny, so just going around the house and my mum and dad’s friends, confusing adults by saying weird things. There’s not many comedy characters that make me laugh as much as The Rock does; it’s nice to have a big muscly guy being funny and stupid.
Richard Trumka I do believe that freedom isn’t free – but today the corporate and political right wing is trying to cheapen this truly American value. They’ve been cynically using the word ‘freedom’ to rally the American public against its own best interests. – Richard Trumka
Namrata Shirodkar On some days, I just want to sit under a shooting umbrella in a sunny outdoor location all over again. – Namrata Shirodkar
Brian Greene I’ve seen children’s eyes light up when I tell them about black holes and the Big Bang. – Brian Greene
Barry Barish If we get to the design sensitivity and make no detections, then there are a lot of things that will have to go back to the drawing board theoretically. If we fail, we’re not expecting that the NSF will help bail it out somehow. – Barry Barish
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