James Acaster I remember being four or five, not understanding how to be funny, so just going around the house and my mum and dad’s friends, confusing adults by saying weird things. – James Acaster Adults Quotes Confusing Quotes Dads Quotes Friends Quotes Funny Quotes House Quotes Mum Quotes Remember Quotes Understanding Quotes Weird Quotes The comic I can now never enjoy again is Bill Cosby. He was truly one of the first comedians I got into. I got left for Mr. Bean. I found out a year after we split up. I opened the newspaper and there was a full-page story. No one else in the history of time has ever been left for Mr. Bean.
Anushka Sharma I have nothing to hide. So when I spoke about my lip job, a lot of people called me brave for coming out. – Anushka Sharma
George Carey The Israelis have suffered a great deal, we must condemn suicide bombers, and we must never say that the plight of the Palestinians justifies this terrible thing. – George Carey
Cameron Bright My job in ‘Motive’ is to be the rebellious teenager – what boy wouldn’t want to be that? – Cameron Bright
Loretta Swit We should be able to be ourselves. Make a political stand if you want to. – Loretta Swit
Caroline Flack I have no regrets about doing ‘Strictly.’ This is the biggest achievement of my life. – Caroline Flack
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