Janet Street-Porter Stress is a designer ailment that many of the so-called afflicted suffer from with pride. – Janet Street-Porter Afflicted Quotes Ailment Quotes Designer Quotes Pride Quotes Socalled Quotes Stress Quotes Suffer Quotes Obviously I’ve spent most of my working life with men and they have this way of operating which seems a bit alien to me. Sometimes I’ve looked at a plate of food and wondered if it wouldn’t look better as a hat.
Isla Fisher When you shoot an independent movie you have a very limited amount of time, and you don’t want to be that actor, when a poor director is trying to get through a movie, that you’re asking at every second to discuss performance. – Isla Fisher
Jeffrey Toobin My own career reflects a strange dichotomy between the world we’ve long known and the world that will become. – Jeffrey Toobin
David Jason When you had just three and then four channels, I could always find something that was watchable because the standard of TV was much higher. In those days, they had so much more money to put into so many less programmes. – David Jason
Allyson Felix I am a sprinter, and I love to go fast. It’s very difficult for me to be patient and follow a race strategy or conserve energy. – Allyson Felix
Rosanna Arquette My childhood shaped the person I became. It was artistic, musical and left-wing. – Rosanna Arquette
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