Jared Cannonier I’m not here to say the UFC isn’t paying me. Because I’m getting paid pretty good from the UFC. – Jared Cannonier Paid Quotes Paying Quotes Pretty Quotes Ufc Quotes Everybody goes back to that and says that I was complaining to the UFC about my pay. I’m like, no, I would never complain to the UFC because I’m the one who voluntarily signed the contract. I’m not out here doing commercials or anything like that. Nobody’s asking me to be in the next Marvel movie.
Margot Kidder I don’t know who the actresses all are. I’ve never heard of Kate but I’m sure she’ll do fine. – Margot Kidder
Iggy Azalea Iggy’ was my dog – he was named after Iggy Pop – and ‘Azalea’ is the street where I grew up; together, they have the right amount of syllables to make the perfect name. – Iggy Azalea
A J McLeanGoodLoveMusic Music is love, love is music, music is life, and I love my life. Thank you and good night. – A J McLean
Chris Tarrant There’s a point at which we have to control our borders. The bottom line is the world is full up and the population on the planet is getting bigger and bigger and there ain’t much room any more. So, how’s it going to work? I don’t know. – Chris Tarrant
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