Jason Silva There’s always going to be the circumstances you can’t plan for. There’s always the unexpected relevance and the serendipity. – Jason Silva Circumstances Quotes Plan Quotes Relevance Quotes Serendipity Quotes Unexpected Quotes We are gods. Our tools make us gods. In symbiosis with our technology, our powers are expanding exponentially and so, too, our possibilities. As long as you’re not hurting anybody else, as long as you’re being kind to people and you’re doing what you love, only good things can come of it.
Brett Ratner At the end of the day, audiences just want to laugh and be entertained. They want to escape from their reality, and that’s why we make movies, to get people to escape from the realities. – Brett Ratner
Adam West If you paint a picture and I paint a picture, we each want to do it our own way. And we’ll stand or fall on whatever we did. – Adam West
Daniel H Wilson As a society, I think we express our cultural mores through our politics. We’re trying constantly to figure out what’s OK and what’s not OK. And it’s hard, because our society is constantly buffeted by gale force winds of technology. Things are always changing. – Daniel H Wilson
Ehud Barak In Israel, there is a peace camp that can convene 200,000 people in central square of this city, on very short notice, and there is a major movement among academics, politicians, thinkers, and public leaders for peace, even at a painful price. On the Palestinian side, you can find them individually here and there, but there is no public movement. – Ehud Barak
Ananya Birla The beauty of music is that it is a universal language. I truly believe it knows no boundaries of any kind. – Ananya Birla
Michael Anthony Everyone used to call me ‘Mr. Switzerland.’ I’m not the kind of guy who smack talks anybody or whatever. – Michael Anthony
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