Jeff Foxworthy I refuse to this day to do e-mail because everybody I know that does it, it takes another two or three hours a day. I don’t want to give two or three more hours away. – Jeff Foxworthy Day Quotes Email Quotes Hours Quotes Refuse Quotes Takes Quotes It’s a weird sensation to be mad and learning at the same time. It’s hard to think of yourself as a loser at 2 years old.
Randy Rainbow I love Mayor Pete. I’ve always liked Joe Biden. I like Elizabeth Warren. – Randy Rainbow
John Thorn In over 160 years of recorded baseball history, no team had ever won a championship this way. – John Thorn
Aaron Donald I don’t see myself as somebody special. I just see myself as Aaron, the same guy I’ve been all my life. – Aaron Donald
Karen Bardsley We do get a lot of sexist tweets and comments, things about a woman’s place being in the kitchen, not on the pitch. – Karen Bardsley
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