Jeff Sessions Every day, lax sentencing costs lives. – Jeff Sessions Costs Quotes Day Quotes Lax Quotes Lives Quotes Sentencing Quotes How many thousands of lives would be saved if we enforced our immigration laws, our guns laws, and our drug laws? Public safety is not being held hostage by the ‘gun lobby,’ but by the open borders lobby and the anti-law enforcement lobby. The proven method for saving the lives of innocent Americans is not disarming them. The proven method for saving the lives of innocent Americans is to arrest, prosecute, convict and jail criminal offenders, especially armed career criminals illegally using guns. This is the way to reduce gun violence.
Evan Williams I tried to be a ski bum when I stepped away from Twitter, and I wasn’t a very good skier. – Evan Williams
Ethel Watts MumfordGod God gives us our relatives, thank God we can choose our friends. – Ethel Watts Mumford
Angela AhrendtsFreedomPeacePositiveStrengthTrust The basis for all human relationships and where we derive our greatest strength and power, trust is single-handedly the most powerful source of positive energy and, once in place, unlocks a freedom and peace to explore. – Angela Ahrendts
Mark Esper In many cases, the reason why our child development centers are not at full capacity is that we have an insufficient number of providers. – Mark Esper
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