Jeffrey Eugenides You can tell when something’s not moving forward anymore. When the doubts you have about it don’t go away. – Jeffrey Eugenides Doubts Quotes Moving Quotes Somethings Quotes I mean, when I got to Brown, the place was riven, because you had older professors who were basically new critics and had been teaching a certain way for 30 years. And then you had this other gang who was down with the semiotic program. And as a student, you were, in a way, forced to choose which cohort you were going with. It was a recession when I graduated, but I was so unequipped to have a job anyway, I don’t think it would have mattered if the economy was booming. I think I was expecting bad jobs. But as it went on through my 20s, I began to wonder how things were going to turn out.
Andrew Greeley As the criminal, sinful war in Iraq enters its third year, the president goes to Europe to heal the wounds between the United States and its former allies, on his own terms of course. – Andrew Greeley
ChanakyaFearFutureMen We should not fret for what is past, nor should we be anxious about the future; men of discernment deal only with the present moment. – Chanakya
James Gleick Despite the metadata attached to each tweet, and despite trails of retweets and ‘favorite’ tweets, the Twitter corpus lacks the latticework of hyperlinks that makes Google’s algorithms so potent. Twitter’s famous hashtags – #sandyhook or #fiscalcliff or #girls – are the crudest sort of signposts, not much help for smart searching. – James Gleick
Brian Posehn I used to see my friend Harland Williams in a lot of auditions. Then you’d see one of the DeLuise kids because they’re kind of heavy and character-y. You’d just see a lot of the same guys over the years. – Brian Posehn
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