Jennifer Ashton As a doctor, I was aware that when children go through severe trauma, they shouldn’t see their parents completely disintegrate because subconsciously, that tells them they have no one to take care of them. – Jennifer Ashton Aware Quotes Care Quotes Children Quotes Completely Quotes Disintegrate Quotes Doctor Quotes Parents Quotes Severe Quotes Subconsciously Quotes Tells Quotes Trauma Quotes My media career came about by accident. In 2006 I was introduced to Roger Ailes, the President of Fox News Channel, by a friend of mine who was an executive producer. Ailes put me on the air one day, and one week later, I was offered a contract. You can be experiencing the worst, most gut-wrenching grief and still laugh or feel something positive or even fall in love, and it doesn’t diminish the depth and sincerity of your grief.
Heather Matarazzo They don’t teach you just how to be in school. There’s no class on that. There’s no multiple choice test for Why Do I Feel This Way? – Heather Matarazzo
Sarah Alexander The secret of comedy is enjoying it. If you’re not laughing, it’s not going to be funny. – Sarah Alexander
Bill Pullman The idea of taking classic American stories and reinterpreting them for a time and place is not just commercially viable. These stories also carry a sensual nature of what it meant to be an American, and they deserve to be reinterpreted. – Bill Pullman
David Whyte I have hundreds of poems memorized. Mostly by others, but also my own. I use the poems when I lead retreats for management groups on topics like creating teams, or coming up with a more entrepreneurial system, or creating more excitement. – David Whyte
Jason Jones I can only speak for myself, but you never set out to be funny. You just set out to play the scenes real, and hopefully the funny comes. – Jason Jones
Gary HamelPoetry As human beings, we are the only organisms that create for the sheer stupid pleasure of doing so. Whether it’s laying out a garden, composing a new tune on the piano, writing a bit of poetry, manipulating a digital photo, redecorating a room, or inventing a new chili recipe – we are happiest when we are creating. – Gary Hamel
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