Jiang Wen I turned to historical films because they pass censors more easily. – Jiang Wen Censors Quotes Easily Quotes Films Quotes Historical Quotes Pass Quotes Many filmmakers have had that experience. They make a movie, then out of nowhere, they either pass censorship or fail. If there’s Cold War, no ‘Star Wars’ in China.
Emilia Clarke I think the reason why strong women have such a powerful impact is that you’ve got the strength of a man with the heart and sensitivity of a woman. – Emilia Clarke
David Hogg We’ve all lived through something horrific, but the strength and beauty and knowledge that we’re going to win eventually is what keeps me going. – David Hogg
John McGinn I remember when I was training with St Mirren as a young boy Ralston was my Hampden and my Wembley. – John McGinn
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