Joe Garcia We live in the world’s greatest democracy; we want for nothing. And that which we want, we can work toward achieving. – Joe Garcia Achieving Quotes Democracy Quotes Live Quotes Worlds Quotes The reason there’s not a dictatorship in Chile and that there’s a democracy in South Africa and Portugal today – and that Haiti has a nascent democracy – is that the world community as a whole felt outraged. This is the reason Milosevic sits in a jail in The Hague. It’s because the world has said, ‘Enough.’ Cubans have no bar to being legalized once they are in America. All other Hispanics – with the exception of Puerto Ricans – have to go through a broken, dysfunctional process. One group is American from day one. And all the rest are trying to be.
Perrey Reeves Mrs. Ari’s style on ‘Entourage’ is so fabulous. Gucci is a go-to for her because every season there is something fun, but there’s also something classic. – Perrey Reeves
Ralph Allen I paint according to the moment and the theme. I don’t have any prejudice. Life concerns me. – Ralph Allen
EnvironmentalNorman Borlaug Some of the environmental lobbyists of the Western nations are the salt of the earth, but many of them are elitists. – Norman Borlaug
Angie Stone It feels great to be a role model and I’m very careful with the things I do. I’m not perfect, I do make a lot of mistakes, but I try my best. – Angie Stone
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