Joe Gebbia For me, one of my personal inspirations was designers in the mid-20th century named Charles and Ray Eames. – Joe Gebbia Century Quotes Charles Quotes Designers Quotes Eames Quotes Inspirations Quotes Named Quotes Personal Quotes Ray Quotes We built a basic website, and Air Bed and Breakfast was born. Three lucky guests got to stay on a $20 airbed on the hardwood floor. But they loved it. And so did we. We took them on adventures around the city. I have the privilege of working with our in-house design studio, called Samara, and our humanitarian team, called Human. Samara is thinking about the future of Airbnb, and Human is working on ways to leverage our platform outside the cause of day-to-day business.
Christina Baker Kline You have to try to take what life throws at you with grace and equanimity. – Christina Baker Kline
Margaret Chase Smith Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk. – Margaret Chase Smith
Lev Grossman I read a lot of literary theory when I was in graduate school, especially about novels, and the best book I ever read about endings was Peter Brooks’ ‘Reading for the Plot. ‘ – Lev Grossman
John Collins There are a lot of guidelines and regulations that come with being a military kid and being raised on a military base. It gives you a structure and discipline on what not to do and right and wrong. I’ve been used to it my whole life. – John Collins
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