Joe Kaeser One must not mix up prudence with gestures of servility. – Joe Kaeser Gestures Quotes Mix Quotes Prudence Quotes Servility Quotes Perhaps we Germans are a bit sensitive when it comes to walls and race. America became great through immigrants… I hope that this great country will recall what has made it great.
Jon Rahm Don’t try to copy me. Don’t try to copy any swing out there. Just swing your swing. Do what you can do. That’s the best thing for yourself. – Jon Rahm
Sinbad Take my gay-hairdresser routine. You’ll let your hairdresser say things to you that you wouldn’t let your parents say. My hairdresser will say the funniest things, so I asked him if I could put him in my routine – you know, make fun of him in a good way. He said, ‘Oh, mention my name, mention my name!’ – Sinbad
Chris Stapleton I’m always trying to do as many different things as I can, just so when one is not doing so hot, maybe the other is still there. – Chris Stapleton
Michael Ball That’s what distinguishes the pros from people involved in amateur theatre. You just go out and do it again and again. – Michael Ball
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