Joe Maddon There is no Game 7 without winning Game 6. And there is no Game 8 if you don’t win Game 7. That’s why you do what you have to do. – Joe Maddon Game Quotes Win Quotes Winning Quotes Anybody can write anything they want these days with social media, blogging, etc. I think I’ve had some of my better ideas on a bicycle.
Jack Hemingway But one of the most important and lasting things my father taught me was a love of the outdoors and how to respect it. I have tried to pass that curiosity and respect on to my kids and to others. – Jack Hemingway
Lily Donaldson I like doing Pilates because I get to lie down on the floor for the duration of the session. – Lily Donaldson
Florence Pugh What we don’t realise when we watch a normal film is how many times someone has run in just before a shot quickly to wipe away that sweaty moustache. You never see a normal spot, a bag under the eye or an unplucked eyebrow, because that’s not how Hollywood works. – Florence Pugh
Gal Gadot I never planned on being an actress or Wonder Woman, but everything just happened, and I am grateful and happy and in love with what I do. – Gal Gadot
Joseph Gatt I have days when I go to the gym and I can’t push that 315, but then I look at my video of me benching 6 reps at 315, and I know I did do that. That wasn’t a dream. That wasn’t some weird fantasy. So I know that next time I’ll go in and I’ll do that. – Joseph Gatt
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