Johann Most Anarchists are socialists because they want the improvement of society, and they are communists because they are convinced that such a transformation of society can only result from the establishment of a commonwealth of property. – Johann Most Anarchists Quotes Commonwealth Quotes Communists Quotes Convinced Quotes Establishment Quotes Improvement Quotes Property Quotes Result Quotes Socialists Quotes Society Quotes Transformation Quotes Anarchists prepare for social revolution and use every means- speech, writing, or deed, whichever is more to the point – to accelerate revolutionary development. If on the one side we do not harbor the illusion that the entire proletariat must be enlightened before it can be called into battle, so on the other we do not doubt that as much enlightenment as possible must be produced with oral and printed agitation.
Aiden Wilson Tozer The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still. – Aiden Wilson Tozer
Jenifer Lewis The biggest message I want to get out is that a lot of us live in a bubble, and we think things can’t happen to us, but they do. When it does happen to you, take care of yourself, and then get up. – Jenifer Lewis
Patrick Macnee I like most of the Humphrey Bogart movies because they had to act then, and they acted very well. Edward G. Robinson is probably the best actor I’ve ever seen on the movies. – Patrick Macnee
A A Gill As handbags get ever more absurdly large, so they need to carry more stuff to validate the expense of this huge trunk with chains, buckles and padlocks on. – A A Gill
Cazzie David As soon as I walk outside, I get depressed. If I see a dog, I’ll get upset about how much it must suck to be on a leash. I’ll get on a bus and tear up at the thought of how the driver has to go back and forth on the same street for eight hours in mind-numbing traffic. – Cazzie David
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