John Caudwell There are lots of brownfield sites in Stoke, but they are not suitable for building executive homes. It needs to be surrounded by fields. It needs to be on greenbelt land. That’s what executives want. – John Caudwell Brownfield Quotes Building Quotes Executive Quotes Executives Quotes Fields Quotes Greenbelt Quotes Homes Quotes Land Quotes Lots Quotes Sites Quotes Stoke Quotes Suitable Quotes Surrounded Quotes I saw that e-mail was insidiously invading Phones 4u, so I banned it immediately. E-mails are the cancer of modern business.
Keanu Reeves Because we’re actors we can pretend and fake it, but I’d rather the intimate investment was authentic. – Keanu Reeves
Louis Freeh The problem was with Bill Clinton, the scandals and rumored scandals, the incubating ones and the dying ones never ended. Whatever moral compass the president was consulting was leading him in the wrong direction. His closets were full of skeletons just waiting to burst out. – Louis Freeh
Andrzej Duda Both Poland and Canada should be advocates of long-‘lasting, peaceful solutions in eastern Ukraine, based on unconditional respect of international law. – Andrzej Duda
Bruce Pittman NSS is pleased that VP Pence has provided a strong endorsement for public-private partnerships in space. – Bruce Pittman
Phil Collins I’ve bought pretty much every book ever written about the Alamo, and I talk to my friends that I’ve made over the past 15, 20 years. It’s just a constant learning and fascinating thing for me. – Phil Collins
Anil Kumble Having been with the Indian team for such a long time and having had various experiences of not just conditions, but outside the cricket field, when you’re a coach, you’re not just coach on the field but also off it. You’re trying to build personalities, trying to build leaders. – Anil Kumble
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