John Dickerson There is no human-resources training for how to respond when you work for an unpredictable president. It’s perhaps fitting that when you visit the website of the White House Office of Administration it says, ‘Check back soon for more information.’ – John Dickerson Administration Quotes Check Quotes Fitting Quotes House Quotes Humanresources Quotes Office Quotes President Quotes Respond Quotes Training Quotes Unpredictable Quotes Visit Quotes White Quotes I’ve talked to several who have been approached for short- or long-term duty in the Trump administration. The evidence of the work environment that mounts with each passing day makes them highly wary. In 2008, Senator John McCain forbid his staff from using an ad that referred to his opponent Barack Obama’s inflammatory former pastor Jeremiah Wright or from raising that issue in any other way. He believed it was a sneaky way to use Obama’s race against him.
Joichi Ito We talked about the Internet and Wikipedia and how facts and history are being collectively created online. – Joichi Ito
Jimmy O Yang When I came to America, it was Dave Chappelle and a lot of comedians on ComicView. That was my first exposure to stand up comedy, actually. – Jimmy O Yang
Arthur Golden I worried she might spend an afternoon chatting with me about the sights and then wish me best of luck. – Arthur Golden
Bob Stoops Depending on where you’re at or the ownership you’re working for, some of the college jobs may be better than some in the NFL. – Bob Stoops
Jagapathi Babu I’m more keen on roles that have a lasting impact even if I get only a minute on screen. – Jagapathi Babu
Byron Howard When you work on these films for so long and so intensely, when you get to the end of them, suddenly there’s nothing to do. – Byron Howard
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