John Dorsey I always try to look at kids like I’m in the locker room, and I’m a teammate. – John Dorsey Kids Quotes Locker Quotes Teammate Quotes A quarterback wants to come across in the interview process as confident, as having a vast understanding and knowledge of defenses, as being capable of leading a group of men. That’s what you’ve got to convey to the teams. My faith tells me everybody should have second chances.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati Many developing countries are enjoying demographic changes. They have a younger demographic composition so they’re not burdened by legacy policy. Now, if you combine this with a good macro policy and ambitious structural policy, those countries are able to move more flexibly and be more agile. – Sri Mulyani Indrawati
James Comey We have built as a government something called the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force, NCIJTF, where 19 federal agencies sit together and divide up the work. See the threat, see the challenge, divide it up and share information. – James Comey
C J Cherryh The warrior may fight for gold or for an immediate gain, or for something to take home for the winter to feed the family. The soldier is part of a more complex society. He’s fighting for a group ethic of some sort. – C J Cherryh
Anne Michaels I’m not being naive; I realise there’s no such thing as a pure reading. But I’d rather keep myself as far out of it as I can. – Anne Michaels
Stephen Pagliuca Hyperbole has been part of elections since the days of John Adams, and there’s nobody better than Joe Biden to give us a little hyperbole, as we all know. – Stephen Pagliuca
Steve Mollenkopf Today, billions of mobile devices with extraordinary power are uniting with advancements in robotics artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and so much more. – Steve Mollenkopf
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