John F Kelly If the Marines today are doing exactly the same thing their dads did in Vietnam and their granddads did in Korea and World War II, then how in the hell can we say that they’re not as good? – John F Kelly Dads Quotes Granddads Quotes Korea Quotes Marines Quotes Vietnam Quotes War Quotes If you were to build a wall from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico, you would still have to back that wall up with patrolling by human beings, sensors, observation devices. The people that work the border will tell you that physical barriers, backed up by men and women, is what we need to secure the southwest border.
Ken Buck I won’t use abortion as a litmus test with a pro-choice individual. Someone that is an activist on the abortion issue, I think, goes outside the pale, and I cannot support an activist on the abortion issue. – Ken Buck
Michael Moore I’m not a big believer in our copyright laws; I find them way too restrictive. – Michael Moore
Ann Maxwell Not only is it OK for a woman to write about a tough guy, but it might even help sell him. – Ann Maxwell
Naughty Boy Zayn’s actually quite a good rapper, we’ve been in the studio doing some One Direction stuff, and he can spit bars! Of course he can! Big up Zayn and his bars. – Naughty Boy
Mike Crapo Our priority must be to build a path towards balancing the budget, and we cannot tolerate growing deficits. – Mike Crapo
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