John Hersey The second stage set in ten or fifteen days after the bombing. Its first symptom was falling hair. Diarrhea and fever, which in some cases went as high as 106, came next. – John Hersey Bombing Quotes Days Quotes Diarrhea Quotes Falling Quotes Fever Quotes Hair Quotes Set Quotes Stage Quotes Symptom Quotes The third stage was the reaction that came when the body struggled to compensate for its ills – when, for instance, the white count not only returned to normal but increased to much higher than normal levels. The first stage had been all over before the doctors even knew they were dealing with a new sickness; it was the direct reaction to the bombardment of the body, at the moment when the bomb went off, by neutrons, beta particles, and gamma rays.
Deb Haaland As someone who has dealt with economic hardship, I am committed to making the changes necessary for our country to become more equitable. And to do so, I believe we need to think big. – Deb Haaland
Pat McAfee I’m real excited to turn my obsessive-type focus towards making the world a happier place. – Pat McAfee
John Buchanan Robinson However near and dear to you may be your wife, children, friends, they are not you; they are outside of you. – John Buchanan Robinson
Kenny G I live my life and play my music, and I don’t really seek out other people’s approval or accolades or things like that. I try to do what’s true to me, and how it all comes out is fine. – Kenny G
Godfrey Gao My brother’s friend worked at a TV station, so we went in; the producer of a show asked if I wouldn’t mind taking some photos for his wife, who was a talent agent. Next thing I know, I’m enroute to the agency. – Godfrey Gao
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