John Mason Brown Some television programs are so much chewing gum for the eyes. – John Mason Brown Chewing Quotes Eyes Quotes Gum Quotes Programs Quotes Television Quotes The critic is a man who prefers the indolence of opinion to the trials of action. A good conversationalist is not one who remembers what was said, but says what someone wants to remember.
BusinessChangeDo Won Chang When we started, the business name was ‘Fashion 21.’ And change it to ‘Forever 21’ later. – Do Won Chang
Gisele Bundchen I don’t like Paris so much, and it’s only eight shows. I mean, don’t tell them that, of course. But everyone always thinks they’re so important. And I’m sure they are. But to me, my happiness is more important. – Gisele Bundchen
John Wozniak People stopped hanging out with me at the point when I stopped doing drugs. All of a sudden they didn’t wanna hang out with me anymore. And I would have hung out with them. I mean they were killing themselves, but I still would have hung out with them. – John Wozniak
Princess Michael of Kent I don’t have the figure for fashion and I’ve never heard anyone say I was a fashion icon. – Princess Michael of Kent
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