John Spratt I am not disputing the need for this money. What I am disputing and calling attention to is the fact that we are taking the tab for defense in our time against terrorists in the Middle East and elsewhere and shoving this tab off onto our children. – John Spratt Attention Quotes Calling Quotes Children Quotes Defense Quotes Disputing Quotes East Quotes Middle Quotes Money Quotes Shoving Quotes Tab Quotes Terrorists Quotes Time Quotes Three big assumptions proved wrong: one, that the Iraqi people would welcome us as liberators; two, that oil would soon pay for Iraqi’s rebuilding; and, three, that we have plenty of troops, weapons, and equipment for the postwar situation. Just a few short years ago in the year 2000, the last full fiscal year of the Clinton administration, this country was running a surplus of $236 billion.
Bria Skonberg With my trumpet voice, I love gritty, plunger, growly sounds. But vocally, I love Anita O’Day – a raspier but definitely softer sound. Part of the fun has been finding vehicles or writing for both of those sounds. – Bria Skonberg
Sheila Hancock Solitude is part of my life, and I don’t mind that. I like it. I love it. I don’t allow loneliness to be part of my life, let’s put it that way. I really won’t allow it. If I feel lonely, I phone somebody or I go for a walk or a swim, get the endorphins going, because I hate feeling lonely. – Sheila Hancock
Bat for Lashes I usually speak with all my drummers so that I write my songs with them in mind, and we’ll have bass sounds, choir sounds, and then you can multi-task with all these orchestral sounds. Through the magic medium of technology, I can play all kinds of sounds – double bass and stuff. – Bat for Lashes
Rose Matafeo I can never enjoy anything in the moment. And, unfortunately, you live your life in the moment, and I find that incredibly difficult. – Rose Matafeo
Mumtaj In my forthcoming movie ‘Jerry,’ I play a funny character, where there is scope for me to perform. I hope people would appreciate my performance. Hence forth I would concentrate on doing variety of roles, rather than appearing in skimpy costumes. – Mumtaj
Edward Zwick When I first thought about the military – and this goes all the way back to ‘Glory’ – I learned really quickly that it isn’t a monolith. It is really an institution made up of some people with very different personalities and people of different backgrounds. – Edward Zwick
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